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Writer's picture: Sandra Sandra

Delaney has been studying a 4-H, Sheep Resource Book for Market and Breeding Projects.

I noticed that they had a section on wool.  I love reading about wool, so I browsed through the information they offered.  It list all of the many reasons why we should love wool

- elasticity

- holds shape and will regain shape even after stretching

- resist wrinkling and sagging

- is absorbent

- great insulator.


-strong natural fiber.

A great list! I could even add a few more..

-eco friendly

-renewable resource

-hypo allergenic

Then they list the  reject conditions for wool which include:

-seedy and chaffy wool

-burry wool

-wool with manure tags

- tender wool

-colored wool 

It is true that natural colored (any color but white) wool is not desirable in the wool markets (co-op and wool pools) because it cannot be dyed. But here at Mitten State Sheep & Wool,  we love our natural colored sheep and their curly locks.  We do not sell our wool through the standard  markets, we sell our wool to Fiber Enthusiast, who like us, love natural colored wool and all it has to offer.

I do want to add that you can dye natural colored wool as well, just not what the commerical industry is looking for.

Just one of the many differences between the commerical wool industry and the cottage wool industry.

(We love our white and red sheep too)

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Writer's picture: Sandra Sandra

I try to share with others, our experiences with raising sheep. People seem so disconnected from farm life. I was just watching a video clip of people sharing the idea that shearing is a bad thing, and cruel to sheep. We shouldn't wear wool....just man-made stuff! 

I would love to ask them what they think happens to a sheep that isn't sheared every year? Have they ever been on a farm and watched a sheep be sheared? Have they ever even seen a sheep?

Sheep are domesticated animals (and have been for quite some time) and need the care of a shepherd/shepherdess. A responsible shepherd takes care of their sheep, and for wool breeds that means shearing them when needed, typically once a year. 

I have seen sheep that have been neglected, no thanks! On our farm, we will continue to be responsible, and shear our sheep once a year. They handle the two minute experience, with the shearer just fine. We tend to get more injuries on shearing day, than the sheep!

Wool is an amazing, renewable fiber, and I am glad to be able to raise sheep, work with their wool, and share it with others.  

Wear wool, the sheep don't mind, they grow more. :)

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Writer's picture: Sandra Sandra

In my opinion, one of the best things a sheep have going for them is their Wool.

Back in the day when I knew nothing of wool, if you had asked me what I thought about wool, I would have said "Meh", as I thought about my Grandpa's old scratchy wool Army blanket.

Now if you asked me about wool, I could and would tell you about all of the wonderful qualities it has!

I think most people have that same first impression as me, they think wool, they think rough and itchy.

I took a quilting class several years ago. We were to bring our materials to the class and lucky for me, I had just got back some wool batting I had processed. When I told the women I was using wool for my batting, their responses were all the same - "You do not want to use wool, that will not be comfortable".  I removed the batt from the bag and they couldn't believe how soft and comfy it was. Their next response was "Where can I get some?"

I have done several presentations on sheep and wool for young children. When I ask them about wool, they respond much in the same way. I always have a wool sample for them to touch, and they are surprised how soft it is.

I know not all wool is next to skin soft.

Some sheep produce very soft fiber and other breeds produce very course fiber.

They both have their uses.







One of my favorite project bags has a saying written on the front,

Where there's Wool there's a Way. in my opinion, you can find a purpose for all clean, healthy wool.

Just a few attributes of wool:

*Flame retardant

*Stays warm even if wet

*Bacteria and odor resistant

*Helps you stay warm when cold and cool when hot.

I know I probably sound like a wool commercial, but for someone who works with it just about every day, I think it is an amazing fiber. If you have discounted wool due to Grandpa's old Army blanket, give it another chance, you may become as excited about wool as me.

What are some of your favorite things about wool?

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